Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lobster Night

As you can see, I have yet to upload pics to my last post and I won't have any for this one either until I can find my camera USB cord:( I know it's at my house somewhere, I just can't find it at this specific time.

Anyway, I have a group of girlfriends that I have become really close to from church. We all serve on the hospitality team together and we have really become close over the last 2 years. Each month, we plan a girls night out. If your birthday is that month, you get to choose where we are going to eat/do. Monique's birthday was at the beginning of this month, so she decided that we were going to have our first annual lobster race and execution. She ordered live Maine lobsters that were shipped to her house. Before we cooked them, we had to race them. Most of us already had names picked out for our lobsters from talking about them at work all day. My lobster was Joe. (First name that popped into my head.) We sat them on the starting line and they all just sat there. I was laughing so hard that Joe came in last because I was just standing there watching. Cathy pushed Henry out in the lead and we quickly put them in their respective pots for cooking.
Monique is such a wonderful hostess and had such a beautiful table decorated all things lobster and centerpiece of pink tulips. Our menu included our lobster, salad and twice baked potatoes. Then for dessert, we had an assortment of Edgar's cupcakes to split and share. YUM!!
We all had to be refreshed on how to crack our lobsters (thanks, Jim) and we were off! The company that we ordered the lobster's from sent us bibs and wet wipes to help us try to stay fresh and clean. However, your girl here, can't do anything complicated without dropping, splashing, or just completely messing things up. I was telling a story about eating lobster while Kent and I were in Negril, Jamaica and I completely lost control of my lobster claw and splattered the white filmy stuff all over myself. I'm talking in my eye, on my shirt, all over my face, it was everywhere. Everyone had a really good laugh as I tried to continue with my story.
We had such a good laugh and were having such a great time when the execution was complete.
After stuffing ourselves silly, we moved on to playing the Wii. Cathy's birthday was in January and we have attempted to go bowling twice, but each time, the alley was full and we would've had to wait until after 9:30pm. Honestly, that's past several of our bedtimes:) So we settled for Wii bowling. Cathy whooped us all, and she finally got her chance to show her skills.
It was such a great night spent with such dear friends. Next up in May, we are off to the Tim McGraw/Lady Antebellum concert for Carrie's birthday.
Cathy and I have planned to shop for cowboy hats to wear. I was really wanting to get some cowboy boots, but I don't think that will be in the budget. I might just have to stick with the hat.

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