Monday, August 11, 2008

My Upcoming Week

Well, I don't think that any of you know this, but... I LOVE the Olympics!!!! I am so incredibly excited that this is my off week and I will be glued to my TV all week. I plan to be completely useless for the most part, so if anyone has a day off and would like to join me in my quest of uselessness, just let me know and you can join me. I did DVR the past few nights and will have to catch up on the opening ceremonies and the few segments that I missed when I was on my way to work. I also want to fit in going to the movies and watching the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. I am looking forward to it!!!


Anonymous said...

dude totally down!! I actually have to work tonight ughhhh but then I'm off till thurs night, work till tues then I have my surgery. So I def can fit in some useless time!! I will keep you posted!! love u!!

Mrs. Filly said...

lol i dont have the week off..but i'm still mostly glued to the much as will be allowed anyway :) i love the diving and the gymnastics..although they sooo let me down last night...they hopefully got all their mistakes outta the way last night (i'm speaking of the use gym. team) on another note....two of my sisters went and saw that movie and they liked it so it sounds like you're in for a great week! :)enjoy